A Recent ‘Graduate’ of the Fearless Assisted Publishing Program
from addiction to redemption
by Susan Thesenga and Pamela Thesenga
Edited, designed, and produced by
D. Patrick Miller/Fearless Literary Services
Published by Being & AwakeningGetting a book published by a major house is more difficult and less lucrative than ever. Meanwhile, the worldwide distribution opportunities provided by print-on-demand (POD) and digital technologies have made it much more viable for authors to publish themselves. That way they retain editorial and creative control, and keep their books available for sale much longer.
Publishing competently is a complex process that involves many phases: manuscript editing, cover design and text typography, prepress production for offset, print-on-demand, and/or digital publication; procurement of ISBNs, copyright, and Library of Congress registrations; and both initial and continuing publicity, among other challenges. Most authors contemplating an independent book launch do not have many skills at the ready for these tasks, much less the experience to complete them efficiently with a minimum of time-wasting errors.
While a few books and a number of online services address some self-publishing challenges, nothing is nearly as helpful as the hands-on assistance and constant, personal guidance of an experienced professional at every step of the publishing process. That’s the service I provide through the Assisted Publishing Program of Fearless Literary Services. I provide the final editorial shaping of manuscripts; handle design, type, and print-file preparation from start to finish; coach authors through every step of starting their imprint and getting all the necessary registrations; upload the finished print book to such major POD platforms as CreateSpace and Lightning Source; upload the finished digital book to the widest possible e-book sales network; and finally help devise, initiate, and maintain the process of publicity for new titles, beginning before the publication date and extending for one year afterward.
Most importantly, I’m on hand for quick response to all the inevitable questions that arise during the publishing process. My answers are focused on solving the particular problem at hand, but also provide an ongoing education for novice publishers. I’ve been in the business myself since 1997, publishing nine books under my own imprint and helping hundreds of other authors through various stages of the writing, editing, and book production processes.
RATESBecause every book project is unique and comes to me at a different stage of readiness, I do not have one set rate for Assisted Publishing. What follows are cost ranges for each phase of the process. After an initial assessment of each potential project, I can provide a precise estimate and payment schedule.
Editorial: Depending on the condition of the manuscript when it reaches me, a basic editorial review and polishing will range from $750 to $2500. Even if your manuscript has previously been copy-edited, it has probably not had sufficient developmental editing to maximize its sales potential in the trade book market. Very few copy-editors have experience in publishing or publicizing books, and so they are usually providing technical editing on a line-by-line basis rather than developing the book as a whole. Complete and competent editing by someone with publishing expertise is a crucial element for the long-term success of any book. (If your manuscript is still underway and you could use expert coaching or consultation on its completion, click here.)
Design & Production: This phase involves front and back cover designs, interior type and page layouts, and technical preparation of PDF print files for printing. Depending on how much original art (if any) is supplied for the cover, this phase costs $1200 to $1800. See some sample covers designed by Fearless Literary Services.
Project Management: There is a set fee of $750 for project management, which includes coaching clients on getting all the necessary registrations, choosing and facilitating the best distribution networks, scheduling all phases of the publishing process, dealing with unexpected problems and challenges as they arise, and answering all publisher-client inquiries as quickly as possible.
E-Book Production and Distribution: Because of the complexity of e-book creation and platforming, I produce all digital editions for clients under the Fearless Digital imprint for a set fee of $375 plus a share of royalties on net sales. This cooperative program can be undertaken independently of print publishing assistance.
Initial and Ongoing Publicity: For $750, this service includes the writing of a basic press release and placement on PRWeb online, plus adaptation for the publisher-client’s own hard-copy press kit. Assistance is also provided in the creation of other elements of the press kit, including author self-interviews. I’ll provide suggestions for review opportunities and on maximizing publicity through the use of Facebook, Twitter, online videos, and so on.
In general, a complete Assisted Publishing Program from Fearless will cost anywhere from $3500 to $6200, depending on the particular needs of each project.How to Get Started: Write consult@fearlessbooks.com with a description of the book you’d like to publish, and indicate the current status of the book project (Is the manuscript complete? Has it been through any editing process? Do you have cover art?, etc.) I’ll write back and we’ll go from there. If your project seems right for the Fearless Assisted Publishing Program, I’ll require a deposit of one-third of the estimated total project fee to get started. I’ll give you a production and payment schedule, and we’ll go from there.
If your book is just at the idea stage, you can submit it for a “Great Idea Review” for a nonrefundable fee of $75.00, as described at www.fearlessbooks.com/GreatIdea.htm. You’ll get a brief critique of your idea plus advice for the next best step. If the same project is later submitted for the Assisted Publishing Program, the Great Idea Review fee will be subtracted from your initial deposit.
I’m looking forward to seeing your future book!
Other print and e-books currently on the market produced by Fearless Literary Services... click covers for more information:
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