Who’s running your life, really?

Which inner teacher are you listening to? In the tumult of our daily lives there’s an incessant inner dialogue, with a voice of peace and a voice of chaos competing for attention. Drawing from her personal journey from constant rage to spiritual mentoring, Vishali Shahin shares down-to-earth, practical tools to foster serenity and choose the voice of peace, even if it is just one second at a time. She breaks down complex psychological concepts into engaging, everyday language and offers real-world strategies for integration.

You’ll learn an entirely new mantra — “So What!” — designed to combat perfectionism and self-criticism. This book’s blend of insightful anecdotes and doable exercises will fundamentally transform how you interact with the world — ensuring peace is not just a concept, but a daily choice.


Vishali Shahin grew up in Syracuse, New York, graduating from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. She worked as an R.N. for 35 years at major metropolitan hospitals, primarily in the Bay Area of California. During that same time, she traveled regularly to India, living in an ashram and study ing meditation and yoga. After retiring from nursing, Vishali founded a tour company in Sedona, Arizona, Sedona Healing Journey: www.SedonaHealingJourney.com. Vishali is now a meditation teacher and spiritual mentor, helping people bring their own spirituality, in their own way, into their everyday life.


   Published by the author in collaboration with Fearless Literary
Print ISBN 979-8-218-45833-1  •  122 pages  •  $14.95  •  ebook $9.95


print and Kindle editions

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E X C E R P T :


I couldn’t move. Nothing was getting me off this couch. Slumped, blank, thought-free, in the nurses’ lounge. This was yet another day, one in the many years of overwhelming stress. I wasn’t even able to get up to go home.

Hours had passed since my shift had ended. I remained motionless, trapped in a state of numbness. Another nurse entered the lounge, her steps slowing as she registered my vacant stare.

“Are you okay? Are you alright?” she asked with genuine concern. I glanced up at her, the spell finally broken. I gave a feeble “Yes, I’m fine,” and realized I had to get out of there. I drove home through the rain, still numb. The only thing I could do was seek refuge in the hot tub of my apartment complex.

Alone, silent, in the rain, balancing an umbrella in the hot tub. Mountains surrounding the apartment were beautiful, as was
the sunset. But at that moment, 35 years of unwavering dedication to nursing vanished. I had to leave the profession.

Even though I’d been meditating for several years when I decided to leave nursing, I’d always kept myself too busy and distracted to live by the teachings I was exposed to. I really didn’t know what was meant by the ‘inner world.’

I’d meditate, expecting some world-shifting revelation. Disappointment invariably followed, as I noticed my mind was busy at worst, or partially quiet at best.

Your mind is the inner world. What you’re doing with your mind — what you tell yourself, creates your inner state. We react to whatever the mind has grabbed onto. Whether that’s peace or fear, it changes your outer experience of life and contributes to everyone else’s experience as a whole.

In this book, you’ll learn the workings of the fear-driven ego-mind and its ploys to distract you. Simple processes are included to help you discover how to be your true peaceful self in the midst of the ego’s world. Included too are exercises and meditations  which make it possible to release, let go and be more free on the inside. These tools can easily be incorporated into your daily life, to catch the ego at its game. Then you can choose peace, over and over again, whenever that peace is threatened by ego-habits.

There are a number of teachings from A Course in Miracles (ACIM). ACIM isn’t a religion, rather a self-study course on undoing the ego-mind. The Course shows students how to remove blocks to the awareness of love’s presence. On your spiritual path, it’s crucial to realize there’s another way of seeing and thinking.

In reality there’s nothing but love’s presence. Yet love, which is our true core, is covered over by the experience of separation. The ego is really nothing more than a belief in separation; we believe we have separated from love, or God, when we haven’t. Beliefs are powerful!

Undoing of the ego-mind is our spiritual work, revealing the absolute love at our core. However, love’s presence is covered
up by our insistence that this world, driven by ego beliefs, is the real world. This includes believing we are this physical body, issued at birth, and nothing else. How do you let go of something you believe you are?

Just one second at a time.