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Are you searching
for a life filled with joy?

Have you thought about all the important relationships and events of your life and tried to understand their meanings? Have you been seeking answers to life’s big questions that still haunt you but remain unanswered?

After a profound event occurred in the author’s young adult life, Denise Svajlenko began asking the bigger questions that led to the search for who she really is.

Evolving is the story of Denise’s spiritual path to finding her real self. She brings readers along her winding journey of exploring, examining, and understanding the significant events and relationships of her life. In doing so, she uncovers a series of universal lessons that each of her unique relationships and life situations has taught her.

Inspiring, thought-provoking, and honest, Evolving is a relatable memoir of self-discovery. We all have blissful and harowing episodes in our lives. Denise reveals to readers that when we learn to live with conscious awareness and pay attention to our universal lessons, then we will become our true selves and be blessed to live a life of joy.

read excerpt below


Published by the author in association with Fearless Literary
106 pages, trade paperback •  $14.95 CAN / $12.00 US •  ISBN 978-1-7776659-0-6

Denise Svajlenko is a non-fiction writer whose work has appeared in newspapers and magazines including The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Durham Region This Week, Chatelaine, Real Woman, The Cottage, Family Camping, Best Years, and Florida Travel. This  is is her  first published book. She resides in Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada with her husband. Connect with Denise on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram, or read her Joyful Life blog.



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from the Introduction...

Who am I if I am neither my body nor mind, and not my names, labels, titles, and personality traits? My journey to self-discovery has led me to uncover that I am a soul — and my soul is who I really am. During this physical lifetime between birth and death, I am a soul, living in a body, having a human experience.

Most of us spend our whole lives tending to our bodies, listening to our thoughts and emotions, and ignoring our souls, the most important part of our being. When we discover, embrace, and expand our souls and become our true selves, we become whole. Then we can begin to experience real joy in our lives.

My purpose for writing this book is to share my journey to enlightenment with you. I will take you down my path and share with you the 14 lessons that I learned from my childhood, my faith, my career, and my passions, as well as from my relationships with my mother, father, brother, sister, husband, daughters, in-laws, and friends. I hope that the lessons that I have learned will resonate with you, as you review your own unique life experiences and identify the lessons the universe and others have been revealing to you. Our experiences in this physical world are both unique and universal. We all have both good and bad things that happen to us at different times in our life. The journey to becoming our real selves requires us to pay close attention to what the universe and others are continually revealing to us and consciously apply the lessons learned to our own lives....


from Chapter 3: Forgiving

My father was difficult to be around when he was sober, but his personality became impossible when he drank. He started drinking an entire large bottle of hard liquor when I was about five or six. I would wake up many mornings at our cottage and see empty liquor bottles on the counter. I was also awakened too many nights and early mornings by his loud, obnoxious, slurred speech that would leave me terrified. He would tell our mother how unhappy he was, ranting about everyone and everything that bothered him. The more he drank, the meaner and nastier his comments became, and anyone in near proximity would be subject to his wrath. I could not understand at that time why my father seemed angry all the time. I would not understand until much later in my life that anger is the expression of a closed or broken heart. It saddens me to think of the depths of my father’s pain and suffering, and that he felt he had no options but to numb that pain with alcohol. It saddens me even more that my father depleted so much of his energy with his anger. He never experienced an open heart or knew much joy.

Forgiveness is the most valuable lesson that I have learned on my journey and it was my father who taught me to forgive. I believe we often learn the most from those that hurt us the most.  Forgiving my father was the best gift that I eventually gave myself because it allowed me to release bitter thoughts and memories that were blocking my heart, releasing all my built-up resentment, finally opening my heart. Forgiving means consciously acknowledging our negative thoughts and emotions and letting them pass. Once we do, we are then able to focus our attention on positive thoughts and emotions, and experience happiness....