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Announcing a major new book
in progress about A Course
in Miracles
by journalist,
publisher, and veteran
student D. Patrick Miller.


Take part in this historic project here.



The Fearless Books site went online in 1998, so I feel like an Internet old-timer. After having books published by two major New York houses in the mid-90s, I decided that I could do a better job with future books independently. I've published more than a dozen titles in print since, including Gary Renard’s Disappearance of the Universe (now a worldwide best-seller from Hay House).

In 2015, I began shifting my company's emphasis from publishing under the Fearless imprint to professional representation, editorial consultations, and independent publishing assistance, a collection of services I call Fearless Literary. One of my specialties is the care, nurturing, and production of personal histories, usually called memoirs. I've helped many independent writers plan, edit, and launch their own stories in both print and digital media on a worldwide basis. To find out more and get a free e-book about starting your memoir, click here.

Please check out my personal author website as well. There you'll find books of my own under the Fearless imprint, as well as several more from other publishers. There are also online essays and interviews there. If you’d like to be advised by e-mail of all changes to both sites, join the Fearless News mailing list. 

I’m the webmaster around here so if you have questions or comments about the site, feel free to write.

D. Patrick Miller, Founder
Fearless Books & Literary Services


The services of Fearless Literary include:

see complete list


Published under the Fearless Books Imprint


The History, Message, and Legacy of a Profound Spiritual Path
by D. Patrick MIller

INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SPIRIT: 50 Poems & Intimations by D. Patrick Miller • LOVE AFTER LIFE: a parable of parallel realities — a novel by D. Patrick MIller • SETTING THE MIND FREE: Releasing Cult Thinking to Rejoin Reality • This composite volume of two classic works by pioneering psychiatrist Arthur J. Deikman MD comprises THE WRONG WAY HOME, a study of cult psychology in small groups as well as large social institutions, and PERSONAL FREEDOM, addressing the psychological and mystical aspects of a truly independent mind.



Digital Classics

My e-books are available in all digital formats (including Kindle) from Smashwords. A number of them are free. Click on the covers or title descriptions to access.


CHOOSE YOUR PUBLISHING OPTION: The Fearless Guide to An Author's Alternatives provides concise and useful information on how to get an agent, get published in the mainstream or outside it, how to self-publish, and more. FREE.  •  WHO ARE YOU? Understanding Your Personality with the Enneagram  • HOW TO WRITE A GOOD POEM: Three Essential Elements. FREE.