Writers frequently ask me to look over their manuscripts to provide them with a professional appraisal of a book idea or writing style. A full evaluation of a project can take weeks and cost up to $1995.00, a service I provide through Manuscript Review.

For a much faster, inexpensive option, try the "Quick Look."

For $225 you will be provided with the following: 

• I will analyze up to 2500 words of your manuscript (you can send an excerpt of up to 2500 words from any part of the manuscript). I'll also look at book proposals or ideas in progress.

• Within a week, I'll reply with an emailed report detailing your sample writing's strengths as well as aspects which need strengthening. When possible, I'll recommend a next best step to developing your manuscript for publication.

Place your order below and send your writing in the body of an e-mail, or as an attached Word file, to info (at) fearlessbooks.com.

Fearless Books founder D. PATRICK MILLER is a 35-year veteran of writing and publishing who has worked in virtually every capacity in the industry. He is the author of a dozen books, one currently distributed by Penguin Random House, two by Hampton Roads Publishing, and more under the Fearless Books imprint. As a collaborator, ghostwriter, or principal editor, Miller has helped other authors prepare manuscripts for such major publishers as Viking, Doubleday, Warner, Crown, Simon & Schuster, Tarcher, Hay House, Hampton Roads, and John Wiley & Sons. He provides professional manuscript consultations and editing to literary agents and publishers as well as published and unpublished authors working in fiction and nonfiction. Miller also helps many writers publish independently, and offers professional representation as an agent.

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